Letter: Re-opening of Worship Services

8 February 2021



8 February 2021

 Dear friends of Fish Hoek Methodist

 Re-opening of Worship Services

 We are delighted to let you know that we have been granted permission to return for worship services from this Sunday (14th February). We would like to make a slow start again, so if you are interested in attending in person please contact the Church office to register for one of these services. Pre-registration is imperative as we are limited to 50 people at each service. We will continue to offer our two morning services as per the usual times, but please note that the following key restrictions still apply for any corporate worship services (amongst others):


  1. Screening will take place as you enter the church.
  2. Social distancing will apply in the building – seating is allocated.
  3. Masks to be worn at all times.
  4. No singing will take place during the services – we will have music items and soloists, but no corporate singing will be permitted at this stage.
  5. No social gatherings are allowed after the services e.g.: tea/coffee and so on.

 For those members who are still content to worship from home, please feel free to do so. Our Online ministry will continue to be streamed at 8:30am on Sunday mornings.

 We understand that life under Covid-times can change very rapidly, but this is where we are placed at the moment. Thank you for your love and prayers during these serious trials. I was greatly uplifted by this verse today: “But David found strength in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6) – May you find the strength you need for the next step of your journey with Christ.

 Living in Grace

 Rev. Delme Linscott