If you are looking for guidance for a longer time of Sunday worship then you are welcome to use this outline as a starting place.

Opening prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, we pause this morning to remember your great love for us and the huge sacrifice you made for our salvation – we are truly grateful that you willingly laid down your life for all humanity. In a similar way, we also pause to remember all people who have laid down their lives for the sake of others and for freedom, peace and faith. Many of these people have died during times of war, unrest and persecution. May their memories live on just as we remember you today. In Jesus name. Amen.

Special Intercessory prayers

For Matric Students and families dealing with the stress of exams. For unrest and violence in our hurting world. For those who are dealing with changes in their work situations.


Now unto Him who is able
To keep you from falling
And to make you stand in His presence,
Blameless and with great joy
To the only God our saviour,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
Be the glory and the majesty
Dominion and authority
Now and ever, Amen